By the name, Keane on Travel initially started off as a travel focused blog, but overtime has grown to reflect the Founder’s passion for Sustainability.
Founded in 2018 by Sarah Keane, a travel enthusiast who aims to live a sustainable lifestyle. Sarah has worked in Environmental Management for over five years. Her career has enabled her to travel the globe and continue to learn the best green practises being implemented by the people and organisations she works with.
Sarah aim to cover topics that matter – environmental news, ethical fashion, eco beauty, wellness, eco lifestyle, green business and of course a little travel in the mix.
The aim of the blog is to spark your interest in sustainability and environmental awareness, but to also ensure that you never made feel guilty for conducting practises which are out of your control.
Sarah is a big believer that we are all just trying to do is our best. Her blog is to encourage and support people like you, who wish to make small everyday changes that will have a big sustainable and environmental impact.